Sunday, September 28, 2014

A week without gadget

How many people here can live a day without their phones.
Be it Contacting people, surfing social medias, taking pictures, reading Emails or even listening to songs using their phones?
I've totally gone through a week without gadgets and True enough I suffered.

Disclaimer, I had only phone that can only call and text, as my phone is down for a week of servicing.


I asked myself why do I feel this way. You see, a lot of you don't realize but you're using your phones so much that even at home, you rarely use the computer/laptops.
Well, unless frequently login to Tumblr, Youtube, Blogs etc...
Which will allows you to see images or videos much bigger and comfortable usage. 

But other than that, NO.
From my Opinion, MY OPINION.
80% of the human race now using phone so much, that without it they feel they do not have any "Personal Time".
Do you think that so?
Personal time, use to be a time for yourself ONLY. But guess what? Now "Personal Time" means, using phone interacting with friends, social media, listening to songs, searching/stalking Hot models or even Eye candy in social media (DON'T LIE, YES YOU STALK LIKE SOME PERVERT CAVE STALKER, just didn't really got Caught by the World.) 

Back to the topic, my Note2 was down (mysteriously, my phone just could not switched on, and if it switched on, it stuck to the welcoming page)
Which.... I try not to make a fuss by repairing it. I am changing phone soon as my 2 year plan is almost up.

That half a day, in school I could not contact anyone even my parents, so luckily for social media, I posted up on my Facebook / Twitter that My phone died on me, if they wanted to contact me contact through social media till (The time I end school, as I wun be able to use the laptop).

So luckily for skype (HELLO MY FRIEND) , is there to make sure CLOSE friends of mine I am still able to contact through chats, and of course my school communicator.

I use my friend's phone to contact MAMA Quah, and also to inform those people whom are texting me (midway).

At night, I got myself a spare phone at home, which is the S4.
This don't stop there...

Last monday morning, before I even leave the house, I dropped my phone (As usual I don't think anything will happen to a samsung phone as they Rarely cracks due to my experiences) But this time the LED screen inside cracked, basically I can receive messages, but my screen is BLACK OUT.

Technically, again I went out without my gadget, skinny is with me the whole day, so I use his phone to login to another twitter account (which is mine) to personalize message my BBG Liyan, as I was texting her half way.. Luck thing is she connects her DATA/WIFI once in awhile to check (busy woman).

I send my phone for servicing, I got another spare phone from my mum (only got Facebook, memory all Full to even download whatsapp)

OHMYGAWD, Whatsapp is a VERY IMPORTANT application, its like Text messages but EVEN MORE COOL, as its free no matter how many videos or images you send.

I've tons of group chat, technically I am the Voice/finance in RPMT, I need to interact with the leaders and juniors.
This is just great, my Juniors came to ask me for help but MY WHATSAPP IS DOWN.
This is just great.

I am going to be my friend's bridesmaid 18days later and I'm suppose to meet them to get bridesmaid dresses / games planned.
I need Whatsapp!

Important people that contacts me often like, VDguardians, Boey clan, Elfin, WK, Mich, Jo, Shelley Ice, Josie, and a whole bunch of peeeeps could not get through me in whatsapp..

I am insane ...

But, I just decided to head out to run my errands, with the important people in my life, like... Skinny and my mum.

I was a little bored, but luckily I've Great companies, you know people whom can actually TALK and have a REAL non boring CONVERSATION with you?
YUP, they're the people.

Skinny basically makes everything well for me, making me sure I satisfy my damn cravings and stuffs. Settling MAMA Quah's cravings too (But faith did not let it happen ;D whatever, its mine than..)


Fast forward... To main topics again..
I am a person EVERY Night I end my night with skype call.

It is just a hassle that I could not use my phone to skype as my laptop (for whatever weird reasons just wouldn't be able to hear well, but my phone is clear sharp.)

So I've to use my house phone to call or rather ask people to call my hp :(


Without able to listen to any music, thank goodness for this spare phone previously download Youtube in it.
So I search songs and played it on my way out travelling, thank god skinny is there with me all the way, coming over to fetch me or find me, or rather meet me outside every day ever since my hp is Down.


I don't know but being unable to get through social media is really a breakdown at the same time, chilling.
I don't have to check every 15mins for whatsapp, or rather people contacting me all the time, or "like" "comments" my statues or pictures.

skinny wishes I don't have phone forever, cos when I got my phone after being serviced. I mainly just Glue to my phone the entire night to reply Whatsapp or see Social medias stuffs ;D


But nonetheless, everyone of you should try at least 1 day without your phone and just enjoy spending time with people who mean the world to you =)

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Fridate with my BBG LIYAN

#FriDate with my favourite girl liyan, thank you for squeezing a day through ur busy schedules for me its been a looooooooong time ever since we met up, even though we're in different classes from now on, nonetheless we'll still cherish the unique friendship within us.

We ate Hell lots of proteins that day we had Egg Benedict and Cheese Omelette with A Difference.
Our favorite is the "Egg Benedict" you all gonna try it out, its filled with EGGS (ofcourse), Bacon strips, Cheese, Truffles Shrooms etc :D

Friendships that you didn't even have to say anything out and I totally can guessed what you're thinking or about to say (which shocked you every single time) 
True blessed to know you BabyGirl
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Such a sweet and gentle young lady, that I will spend the rest of my lifetime beside you rooting for you all the way!
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A week plus, we had a serious misunderstanding, but we manage to pull it off together as One.
Technically, usually I am the one whom is the first one resolving things out, rather than having cold war.
But you know what, I don't like hanging there without knowing why, what happen or if there's anything Anyone is unhappy with anything, usually I will wish to get it resolve asap.
I don't like unhappiness within my people.
I am so happy both of us can be matured enough to handle things peacefully , pride-less and ego-less (If you know what I mean).

Love how we could always Heart-to-Heart-Talk for few hours, that day at Paris.B we had to ask for tea refills for hell lots time, I guess the server is really "pekchek" with us, as we kept asking for refills. 

There wouldn't be any rainbow without a little rain.

Glad to know we're much stronger and closer right now
I love you much much BBG :)

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Here’s What an ALS Family REALLY Thinks About the Ice Bucket Challenge

Reading this article really makes me UNDERSTAND this challenge.
Lets take some time in seeing what an ALS Family really thinks about the Ice Bucket Challenge.

Well, we are on week two of the very-viral very-everywhere ALS ice bucket challenge. I know, I know, I can hear the groans … it started out cute and now it’s out-of-control. Played. Clogging up social media sites everywhere.

I even read this charming article in which the author called the challenge (that has raised an unprecedented amount of money for one of the most outrageously underfunded diseases) a waste of fresh water. Another headlined whined, “Is the Ice Bucket Challenge Going to Cure ALS?”

Um, no (and—BTW—that’s a stupid bar to set for any fundraiser.) Critics complain that the challenge is really about feeding our American narcissism and does nothing for ALS awareness or funding. They assert that people should just quietly donate their money and move on with their lives.

I get that they’re cranky, but I think maybe they don’t realize what it’s like to face this insidious disease and then realize that it’s nearly invisible to the rest of the world. As I watch my husband become entombed inside his own body, I feel desperate for people to understand that this sort of inhumane condition exists.
But for some reason, while everyone acknowledges it’s one of the worst fates imaginable, funding for research and patient care is nearly nil. I recently mentioned to a doctor that my husband has ALS and she first looked confused and then said, “Oh, that’s Lou Gehrig’s Disease, right?” Right.

Why does she—a  doctor of medicine—still only know it by Lou Gehrig’s Disease? Because we humans need to associate things with people. It’s easier that way. That’s why the celebrity faces and personal challenges happening in the ice bucket challenge are so effective at bringing in money. And if someone gets to look good while plunking their $50 in the ALS tip jar, I have zero problem with that.

Because here’s the deal: We are in for the fight of our lives with this monster, and the very LAST thing I want is for people to give quietly, anonymously, and then slink away. Raise the roof! Raise a ruckus! Call all sorts of attention to yourself! I will be happy for you and every Facebook like you receive, as you nudge ALS an inch or two closer to the collective public consciousness.

So, fear not, dear reader, this too shall pass and your Facebook newsfeed will go back to cat videos and kids singing “Let It Go.” Until that happens, here’s a little reminder about what it’s like to live with ALS and why this level of awareness is like gold to families like mine.

A Mile in ALS Shoes

People ask me often what it’s like to live with ALS. It’s a brave question because the answers are not very pleasant. But it’s also such a worthy question because understanding how this disease impacts those who suffer from it creates empathy which is so valuable; it carries us into another person’s world and allows us to understand what they’re feeling and how they’re hurting. As I watch my strong husband struggle with things that used to be easy and automatic, I sometimes wish that everyone could see life from his perspective.
If you would like to experience just a tiny corner of an ALS life, I have a list of Empathetic Experiences for you. These are things you can do to walk for just a mile in ALS shoes. If you try one, take a little time at the end to consider that people actually living with the disease have a million miles more to go.

1. Pick up a 10-pound weight. Now imagine it’s your fork and move it from your plate to your mouth repeatedly without shaking.
2. Sit in a chair for just 15 minutes moving nothing but your eyes. Nothing. No speaking, no scratching your nose, no shifting your weight, no changing the channel on the television, no computer work. Only your eyes. As you sit, imagine: this is your life. Your only life.
3. Borrow a wheelchair or power scooter and try to maneuver quickly through the aisles at Walmart, without speaking. Note the way people react to you.
4. Strap 25 pounds to your forearm. Now, adjust your rear-view mirror.
5. Using none of your own muscles, have your spouse or child or friend get you dressed and brush your teeth. Write down some of the feelings you have being cared for in this way.
6. Before you eat your next meal, take a good, long look at the food. Inhale deeply and appreciate the aroma. Now, imagine never being able to taste that—or any other food—for the rest of your life.
7. Put two large marshmallows in your mouth and have a conversation with your friends. How many times must you repeat yourself? How does this make you feel?
8. Go to bed and stay in one position for as long as you possibly can, moving nothing.
9. Strap weights to your ankles and climb a flight of stairs, taking two at a time. That’s the kind of strength it takes for someone with ALS to tackle the stairs on a good day.
10. Install a text-to-speech app on your phone or iPad and use it exclusively to communicate for one day.

And to my friends living with ALS: please give us more ideas and help us move into your world for a bit. We want to help make your lives rich and full and I’m not sure we can do that without at least a basic understanding of what you are facing. I think I speak for many when I say: you are superheroes and we are in awe.
With unending hope for a million-mile cure.

Let's spread this awareness by not to Only pour ice cold water over you but knowing more than the truth in all these, especially living in an ALS victim's shoe in just a day, this is how they concur their day helplessly, please do support by donating to