Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Outfit of the day before event.

 We went over outside and I bought one of my favorite crisp.
But Only ate a few because it is damn oily and is also outside roadside stalls, I don't want risk tummy ache.
Me and my beautiful mama, attending Datos event.

Sometimes you got tot take selfie to the whole new level
Meet King of Rian Province (!!!)

Technically, I was the Only teen and only One who goes up to the *stage* and took selfie instead of having photographers or asking others take a full length picture for me.

Me: *tap on sultan shoulder* Sultan!
Sultan: ?
Me: Look here okay? *points at the front camera*
Sultan: Ok!
Me: Thank you! Three seconds! *Timer set*

Everyone was like "Woahhhhhhhh! Damn daring this girl!!!"

I am damn anxious can, but its such a good trill.
I mean I did ask for permission ok!
And I got approval :)

I had complimentary small buffet in the sultan palace for lunch.
The mossies there, is really level Imba.. 


I had an Awesooooooooooooooooooome dinner on Day2!

 LAKSA , papaQuah ordered :)
Damn nice, Not oily at All, you can see from the picture the chili oil is really really minimum,
but the flavoring is really fragrant.

 PRAWN NOODLES , mamaQuah ordered :)
Its really really very nice.
The prawns are properly cleaned (no black lining of shit on the back of the prawn)
Very fresh and nice.

My papaQuah's friend ordered this..
I am not a fan of it but I still take picture of it as it looks really cool.

Damn nice, super super nice.
One of my favorite soup is definitely green bean soup.

Read more to understand why I order this, other than its my favorite.


It is FREAKING AMAZING, the BEST Rojak / food of the night.
It is really nice they separate the sauce, so I can gadget how much I would want.
The sauce is rather light and watery, not as sticky and dry the usual one we had in Singapore.
It has a lot of peanut (Which I love), and a little spicy =D

Here's a few tips I have form a hygiene/oral habits when I am travelling out of my country, going to share a few points in my different blog posts, so stay tune =)

When I am out overseas, if I understands that I have a weak digestion, I try not to drink their brewed drinks, for example tea, coffee or fruit juices.
I will take on mineral/distilled water or chilled canned drinks (without Ice)
To minimize having a tummy ache due to unhygienic utensils or the water they are using. 

The reason why I order this than the other soup is because, green bean soup have the power to cure minor food poisoning or detox any viruses in our body.
That is why I wouldn't mind to order that, cos I know high chances I will still be safe in drinking this soup.
And if it works well in my body, I can be even comfortable in trying out other foods, as green bean soup can clear toxins in our body.

It is just a good habit to form, to keep yourself as clean as you can away from bacteria and virus in the most basic way.

I hope this Tip does help you in the most fundamental way to have a happy healthy immune system =)

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