Saturday, March 28, 2015

Trip to Adventure Cove

 A day out with my annoying man, which is labelled in MY social media often as "Skinny"
Its his first time there and It's my second time,
so allow me to be your tour guide sir.
I will take you to the most Safest ride with No heights XD 

Early morning nonetheless, I start my day with my green smoothie.
I did romaine, bananas, lemon, coconut sugars and water.
It keeps me full and energetic on my later PLAY TIME.

Today was a hectic day because I left my ez-link card with papaQuah, never mind. I forgotten to even lend a extra ez-link card with my other family members, I bought a standard ticket.
When I'm on my way there I realize I forgotten to bring my JEWEL Card (free excess and tons of discounts in Sentosa)

But I stayed pretty calm (That's rare), think its because I've been consuming a lot of fruits, greens in my life and exercise regularly which gives me enough endorphin to tame my temper XD

Reached to VIVO city,
I saw my man already waiting for me with my two favorite items.
Gosh its been AGES...
And of-cos my favorite water of all times (EVIAN)
Let's go.... hurraye...


Off we go to play ALL SLIDES.
I swear I love those water roller-coasters.


 Decided to be my usual Pescatarian day today :)
I really Do appreciates how fresh and cleanly peeled the prawns they do.

Popiahhh..... X(
Let me just say, if you're going there, I don't recommend anyone to buy this.
It does not taste like the regular or traditional popiah.
It's pretty, not that up to standard actually.
If you all wanted to try go ahead, but I personally Regretted buying..
The taste of the sweet sauce is like covering every bites of the taste and too overwhelming.
Brought my fruits there but I didn't manage to eat them only abit before our cooked dish.
Remember to eat fruits BEFORE cook meals.

I wanted to purchase one of them, but.... We're rushing off, I don't want to buy for the sake of buying and regret on buying the one I didn't want but the other one instead..
So, we decided to take pictures and ask his friend whom is a Staff there to purchase for us :)

 Head over for steamboat, because when I woke up all of a sudden I've cravings for steamboat and I whatsapp my man saying I wanted to have a cheap and nice steamboat which have free flow shrooms and crabmeats (The only two I LOVE in steamboats)
 He brought me here with his parents :D
Look at my Balachan chili
The place is pretty calm, classy and quiet.

Thank you Skinny for making all things better for us.
 Without you my life is great, with you my life is Filled with abundance.
I learn to love myself well, just right before meeting you.
I guess its all fate that I am ready to be well taken care of and for us to strive better towards our future together.
Couples who trains together, plans adventures together.
Be together, Stays together.

✔ off bucket list

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